promotion and finance

  • Created by: Kira-mae
  • Created on: 20-03-19 01:02
What are the three types of promotion ?
Print,Digital,Word of mouth
1 of 10
What are the two types of buisinesses ?
2 of 10
Whats a market segmentation ?
A market segmentation involves dividing a market into parts at effect different coustomers needs and wants
3 of 10
What are the types of segmentation ?
Demographic,Psycographic,Behavioural,Graphical location
4 of 10
How do you calculate profit?
Profit=Revenue -total cost
5 of 10
How do you calculate vriable costs ?
varable costs of each product x number of products produced
6 of 10
How do you calculate the total costs ?
Total fixed costs x total variable costs
7 of 10
What is break-even?
The break-even is when the ammount of money spent on making a product is the same as the money made from the selling product (when the sales revenue figure is the same as/equal to the total cost figure
8 of 10
How do you calculate fixed cost?
Selling price =variable cost
9 of 10
Opening balances and closing balences are...
opening balance of each month and the closing balance of each month
10 of 10

Other cards in this set

Card 2


What are the two types of buisinesses ?



Card 3


Whats a market segmentation ?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What are the types of segmentation ?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


How do you calculate profit?


Preview of the front of card 5
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