Other questions in this quiz

2. How are chloroplast and mitochondria similar?

  • They are both found in plant cells
  • They both have an inner and outer membrane
  • They are both found in animal cells
  • They both contain cristae

3. What is the outer most layer of an eukaryotic animal cell?

  • Cell surface membrane
  • Chloroplast
  • Cell wall
  • Cytoplasm

4. What organelle isn't in a prokaryotic cell?

  • Nucleus
  • Ribosome
  • Cytoplasm
  • Cell surface membrane

5. What the process in what proteins are produced and their pathway through the cell

  • Ribosome gives off protein -> Travels to golgi body -> Is packaged in vesicle -> Travels to rER to assume three-dimensional shape -> Travels back to golgi apparatus -> Is modified in golgi body -> Taken to cell surface membrane
  • Transcription -> Leaves nucleus -> Vesicle takes protein to golgi body -> Modified -> Vesicle takes protein to rER -> Turns to three-dimensional shape -> Vesicles fuses with cell surface membrane
  • Transcription -> Leaves nucleus -> Protein enters rER -> Protein moves through rER -> Vesicles contains protein -> Vesicles fuse to make sacs of the golgi body -> Protein modified -> Moves through cell (vesicle) -> Fuses with cell surface membrane
  • Protein enters rER -> Assumes two-dimensional shape -> Vesicle takes protein to lysosome -> Protein modified -> Protein packaged -> Vesicle takes protein to cell surface membrane


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