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6. What did the national security act of 1947 do?

  • created Dept. of Defence
  • all of the above
  • allowed the president to deal with the soviets easiest
  • set up CIA
  • est. National security council

7. What are the constitutional powers of president in terms of FP?

  • in charge of ratifying treaties etc
  • in charge of everything to do with foreign policy
  • in charge of the army (commander in chief) separate the purse and the sword
  • in charge of money

8. What does the president do?

  • commander in chief- commander of the armed forces (nuclear codes etc)
  • receives other heads of state to make executive agreements
  • all of the above
  • Chief executive, execute the laws of the land and preside over the executive branch

9. What is the role of the NSC?

  • Advise and assist the pres. on national and FP issues
  • Advise the president on wartime issues
  • assist the president in times of peace
  • assist the president on intelligence

10. How did Congress try to regain power?

  • 1973 war powers act- meant president had to give notice within 48 hours of committing troops + forbids troops to remain after 60 days without congress approval
  • put their foot down
  • they didn't

11. What problems can occur when the executive branch has all the power?

  • this can lead to Bureaucratic inertia (stand still)
  • all of the above
  • unelected officials have lots of influence on the president eg. Steve Bannon on Trump
  • lots of infighting as all have different agenda

12. Who can declare war?

  • Congress
  • president

13. Why has the president come to dominate FP?

  • all of the above
  • Natural expansion if the government
  • changing nature of war
  • real time nature of FP

14. Who has the power of the purse?

  • Congress
  • President