Present tense verb endings

Practice endings, and irregular verbs.

  • Created by: allah003
  • Created on: 22-06-14 13:52
Recite verb endings for -ar, then repeat with hablar, to speak
O as a, amos áis an. Hablo, hablas, habla, hablamos, habláis, hablan
1 of 10
Recite verb endings for -ir, then repeat with vivir, to live
O es e, imos ís en. Vivo vives vive, vivimos vivís viven.
2 of 10
Recite verb endings for -er, then repeat with comer, to eat
O es e, emos éis en. Como comes come, comemos coméis comen.
3 of 10
Translate - I eat, you speaks, he lives, we speak, you(p) live, they eat
Como, hablas, vive, hablamos, vivís, comen.
4 of 10
T - I dance, you read, he writes, we live, you(p) visit, they drink
Bailo, lees, escribe, vivimos, visitáis, beben
5 of 10
T - I have, you have, she has, we have, you(p) have, they have
Tengo, tienes, tiene, tenemos, tenéis, tienen. Recite verb endings.
6 of 10
T - Hacer, I do, you do, he does, we do, you(p) do, they do
Hago, haces, hace, hacemos, hacéis, hacen. Recite verb endings.
7 of 10
T - Jugar, I play, you play, he plays, we play, you(p) play, they play
Juego, juegas, juega, jugamos, jugáis, juegan. Recite verb endings.
8 of 10
T - I am (temporary), you are, she is, we are, you(p) are, they are
Estoy, estás, está, estamos, estáis, están. Recite verb endings.
9 of 10
T - I am (permanent), you are, she is, we are, you(p) are, they are
Soy, eres, es somos, sois, son. Recite verb endings.
10 of 10

Other cards in this set

Card 2


Recite verb endings for -ir, then repeat with vivir, to live


O es e, imos ís en. Vivo vives vive, vivimos vivís viven.

Card 3


Recite verb endings for -er, then repeat with comer, to eat


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Translate - I eat, you speaks, he lives, we speak, you(p) live, they eat


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


T - I dance, you read, he writes, we live, you(p) visit, they drink


Preview of the front of card 5
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