Prelude No.15 in D flat major - Raindrop Prelude

  • Created by: Ella
  • Created on: 21-05-13 18:41
Melody Raindrop Prelude
Ornamentation, Chromatic notes, Lyrical melody writing, Switches of the melody between the RH and the LH
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Structure Raindrop Prelude
A, B, A with a Coda, Ternary Form
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Dynamics Raindrop Prelude
Wide range of expressive dynamics
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Texture Raindrop Prelude
Mainly Homophonic but some monophonic phrases, Broken chords, pedal notes, octaves and chords used to vary the texture as well
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Harmony Raindrop Prelude
Repeated Ab provide harmonic support, Chromatic note Cb appears to add 'colour'
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Instrumentation Raindrop Prelude
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Rhythm Raindrop Prelude
Mainly quavers and many pedal notes (especially of Db)
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Tonality Raindrop Prelude
Db major but modulates to C# minor
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Date Raindrop Prelude
1838- Romantic Era
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Tempo Raindrop Prelude
4/4, Sostentuto, Rhubarto, Slow held back tempo
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Extra Info Raindrop Prelude
It is a part of 24 preludes, • Inspired by the falling raindrops on a derelict Monastery in Valldemaossa, Majorca where he was staying with his lover, • The mood of the piece is dark, suspicious and mysterious
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Structure Raindrop Prelude


A, B, A with a Coda, Ternary Form

Card 3


Dynamics Raindrop Prelude


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Texture Raindrop Prelude


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Harmony Raindrop Prelude


Preview of the front of card 5
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