Poverty and Wealth


1. What have many instances of poverty been caused by?

  • The work of the Devil.
  • The way of which greed from the richer in those countries has left the poorer people with nothing.
  • The way of which these countries have been exploited for their natural resources by the rich.
  • The lack in faith of God and the trust they have in him.
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2. Why would God allow the Devil to create natural disasters?

  • So he could have a new creation.
  • Show how strong their faith was.
  • Let them be punished for their sins.
  • Show how much they hated the devil.

3. Why did people think natural disasters happened in the past?

  • It was a plan by the Devil to ruin God's creation.
  • The Devil brought disasters onto people to test their faith.
  • It was a test from God.
  • It was punishment for people's sins.

4. What do people refer HIV/AIDS to and why?

  • 'Gay Plague' - God's righteous judgement on homosexuals
  • 'Modern Plague' - Modern Secular Society's greed
  • 'New Plague' - Ignoring the New Testament
  • 'Chicken Pox' - Scared of helping those around you

5. What is it that John says Christians cannot love God if they do it?

  • Help God by preaching.
  • Not show care and concern for others.
  • Not appreciate those around them.
  • Do not go to church.


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