Population and migration key words

Birth Rate
Number of babies born per year for every 1000 people.
1 of 20
Death rate
Number of people who die per year for every 1000 people.
2 of 20
Natural Increase
The number of people added to, or lost from the population per year, for 1000 people.
3 of 20
Population growth rate
The number of people added to or lost from a population each year as a result of natural increase and net migration. Given as a percentage
4 of 20
Zero growth
A population in balance. Birth rate equals the death rate.
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Life expectancy
Average age someone is expected to live to, usually taken from birth.
6 of 20
Infant mortality rate
Number of deaths of children under the age of one per 1000 per year.
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Pro-natalised policy
Population policy which aims to encourage births through the use of incentives.
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A person who moves from one place to another.
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National Migrant
A person who moves from one place to another within a country.
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International migrant
A person who moves from one country to another.
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The country or place where a migrant settles.
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Place of origin
Country or place from where a migrant comes from.
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Someone who has moved to a new destination.
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A Migrant who has left their country.
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Voluntary Migrants
People who choose to move normally for better job prospects.
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Economic Migrant
People who have moved to find better jobs and higher wages
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Refugee/ Forced Migrant
People who have to move as they face extreme hardship or even death.
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Temporary or seasonal migrants
People who move, normally for work reasons for a short period of time
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Permanent Migrants
People who move and don't return home.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Number of people who die per year for every 1000 people.


Death rate

Card 3


The number of people added to, or lost from the population per year, for 1000 people.


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


The number of people added to or lost from a population each year as a result of natural increase and net migration. Given as a percentage


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


A population in balance. Birth rate equals the death rate.


Preview of the back of card 5
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