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6. What were the views of the liberal progressives?

  • In favour of the development of parliamentary government; not so keen on Bismarck's idea of the power of the nation state, views closely shared by the German People's Party
  • Supported the Kaiser, discipline and authority, in favour of a nationalist foreign policy
  • Opposed Bismarck's attack on the catholic church

7. What were the views of the Centre Party?

  • Opposed Bismarck's attack on the Catholic church - the kulturkampf, feared rise of socialism; anti-prussia
  • In favour of the development of parliamentary government; not so keen on Bismarck's idea of the power of the nation state, views closely shared by the German People's Party
  • Nationlist; Believed in a strong nation state and encouragement of a state with a liberal constitution; supported Bismarck's attack on the Catholic Church, the Kulturkampf, political allies of the Conservative parties

8. Who did the free conservatives represent?

  • Commercial, industrial and wealthier professional classes from across Germany
  • Junkers, landed interests, especially in Prussia.
  • Middle classes
  • Working classes

9. Who did the conservatives represent?

  • Working classes
  • Junkers, landed interests, especially in Prussia.
  • Middle classes
  • Industrial middle class, Protestant middle class

10. What was one reason for the flourishing of mass political parties?

  • Introduction of universal male suffrage
  • Reichstag wasn't restricted anymore.

11. Who did the Social Democratic Party (SPD) represent?

  • Middle classes
  • Working classes after Bismarck's Anti-Socialist Laws lapsed in 1890
  • Junkers, landed interests, especially in Prussia.

12. Who did the national liberals represent?

  • Working classes
  • Industrial middle class, protestant middle class
  • Junkers, landed interests, especially in Prussia.
  • Commercial, industrial and wealthier professional classes from across Germany

13. What were the views of the conservatives?

  • Believed in a strong nation state
  • Supported the Kaiser, discipline and authority, in favour of a nationalist foreign policy
  • Opposed Bismarck's attack on the catholic church
  • Strong Supporters of Bismarck and protectionism (i.e the state should protect German business with tariffs)