Political Interference

In what year did France and Italy elect communist parties and why?
1947, because they had been the strongest groups in the resistance to fascism and the strikes at the hardship and hunger of the post war period
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How did the US prevent communist expansion in Italy in 1948?
The CIA worked with the opposition parties and Catholic church, money was used for propaganda and a threat to remove Marshall Aid
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What caused the most tension between the East and West during the Cold War?
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What happened when Czechoslovakia accepted Marshall Aid from the US?
The Soviets summoned Czech foreign secretary Jan Mazaryk to Moscow - within a couple of days the communists in Czech gov staged a coup and took over, murdering Mazaryk
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What did the death of Jan Mazaryk symbolise?
The beginning of the cold war, and each side maintaining its sphere of influence
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Card 2


How did the US prevent communist expansion in Italy in 1948?


The CIA worked with the opposition parties and Catholic church, money was used for propaganda and a threat to remove Marshall Aid

Card 3


What caused the most tension between the East and West during the Cold War?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What happened when Czechoslovakia accepted Marshall Aid from the US?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What did the death of Jan Mazaryk symbolise?


Preview of the front of card 5


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