Plate Tectonics

A quiz on Plate Tectonics!

  • Created by: Charlotte
  • Created on: 02-06-12 16:20
Why do plates move?Because...
of Convection currents
1 of 2
What is NOT a reason to why people still in areas of EARTHQUAKE activity?
Fertile soils
2 of 2

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Card 2


What is NOT a reason to why people still in areas of EARTHQUAKE activity?


Fertile soils


Rebecca Garforth


please can you re read some of your questions tomake sure that the make sense. thanks



Earthquakes cannot be predicted
An identification number will not protect a building
Areas of fertile soils often occur in a volcanic region. earthquakes come hand in hand with volcanoes. therefore people would continue to live in a area of fertile soils despite risk 
Your questions would be easier to understand if they didn't include the Nots and were istead more straight forward 

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