Physiology of Labour

  • Created by: Becca
  • Created on: 28-12-13 20:18
What are the borders of the pelvis & their length in cm in females?
Ant-Post: sup border pubic symphysis -> mid point sacral promontory, 11.2cm. Diagonal: inf border pubic symphysis -> mid sacral promontory, 12.7cm. Transverse: greatest pelvic inlet width, 13.1cm. Oblique: iliopubic eminence -> sacroiliac joint, 12.5
1 of 8
Where are the weak points of the pelvis?
Sacroiliac region & pubic ramus
2 of 8
What are the boundaries of the birth canal (cervix & vagina)?
From superior pelvic aperture -> inferior pelvic aperture
3 of 8
What are the parts of the foetal skull where the skull hasn't closed up called? What shape are they?
Anterior fontanel, diamond shaped & posterior fontanel, triangle shaped
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Where is the baby's head the widest? What position should the head be in for the minimum diameter?
Widest front to back, minimum diameter for head to fit through birth canal is in the flexed position
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Where is the mother's pelvic inlet & outlet widest? What position should the baby's head be in for each of hese?
Pelvis is oval, inlet wider side-to-side so head should be in the lateral position, outlet is wider front-to-back so head has to take a 90 degree turn to be in the anterior position
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What is the physiological mechanism of labour?
Flexed head descends in lateral position, hits levator ani, rotates to ant position (internal rotation), shoulders enter inlet in lat position, head delivers by extension, shoulders rotate to anterior position (external rotation), ant delivers first
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What are some of the problems of labour?
Pain for mother. Reduced utero-placental blood flow during contraction may lead to the baby developing hypoxaemia, acidosis and may die
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Where are the weak points of the pelvis?


Sacroiliac region & pubic ramus

Card 3


What are the boundaries of the birth canal (cervix & vagina)?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What are the parts of the foetal skull where the skull hasn't closed up called? What shape are they?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Where is the baby's head the widest? What position should the head be in for the minimum diameter?


Preview of the front of card 5
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