Physics- Braking and Braking Distance


1. How does a vehicle slow down?

  • Decreasing the push from the engine and decreasing the resistant force.
  • Increasing the push from the engine and decreasing the resistant force
  • Increasing the resistant forces and decreasing the push from the engine
  • Increasing the resistant force and increasing the push from the engine
1 of 9

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2. When a vehicle is travelling at a steady speed the resultant force is...

  • Zero
  • Making the car go in the same direction
  • Making the car go in the opposite direction
  • Slowing the car down

3. What is stopping distance?

  • The distance it took from the driver pushing the brakes and the brakes working
  • The overall distance it takes for a car to completely stop-from when the driver noticed they should stop and did
  • The overall time it took for a car to completely come to a halt
  • The time from the driver pushing the breaks and the breaks working

4. What is the equation for stopping distance?

  • Stopping Distance= Thinking Distance- Braking distance
  • Stopping Distance= Braking Distance x Thinking Distance
  • Stopping distance= Thinking distance + Braking Distance
  • Stopping Distance= Braking Distance/ Thinking distance

5. What is braking distance?

  • The distance taken between the driver pressing the brakes and the car stopping
  • The distance between the car slowing down and completely stopping
  • The time taken between the driver pressing the brakes and the car stopping
  • The distance between the driver thinking about pressing the brakes and the car stopping


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