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6. Where does the Light-Dependent reaction take place?

  • Cytoplasm
  • Thylakoids
  • Mitochondria
  • Stroma

7. (1)_________ from the LDR is used to reduce GP to (2)___ using energy supplied by (3)_____

  • (1) Oxygen (2) HP (3) light
  • (1) Reduced NADP (2) TP (3) ATP
  • (1) Reduced NAD (2) TP (3) ATP
  • (1) ATP (2) TP (3) Reduced NADP

8. What is the equation for photosynthesis?

  • Glucose + water = oxygen + carbon dioxide
  • Carbon dioxide + water = glucose + oxygen
  • Glucose + oxygen = carbon dioxide + water
  • Carbon dioxide + glucose = oxygen + water

9. Where does the Light-Independent Reaction take place?

  • Stroma
  • Thylakoid membrane
  • Thylakoid space

10. How can the rate of photosynthesis be measured?

  • By measuring the volume of oxygen produced
  • By calculating how much oxygen has been taken up
  • By calculating how much carbon dioxide has been taken up
  • By measuring how much water has been produced

11. What are the 3 most common limiting factors of photosynthesis?

  • Carbon dioxide concentration, soil pH and temperature
  • Temperature, soil pH and water availability
  • Temperature, light intensity and carbon dioxide concentration
  • Light intensity, water availability and carbon dioxide concentration

12. Where does photosynthesis take place?

  • In the nucleus in the leaf
  • In the chloroplasts in the leaf
  • In the chloroplasts in the roots
  • In the mitochondria in the leaf

13. What is the chemiosmotic theory?

  • Protons are pumped into the thylakoid space, water moves into the thylakoid space
  • Thylakoid space has high conc. of protons, protons transported into stroma through ATP synthase channel, producing ATP
  • Water is transported into the stroma through the ATP synthase channel, producing ATP
  • Stroma has high conc. of protons, protons transported into thylakoid space via ATP synthase channel

14. What is TP then converted into?

  • Water
  • Rubisco
  • Organic substances or regenerated into RuBP
  • Organic substances and oxygen

15. What is the enzyme which catalyses the reaction between carbon dioxide and RuBP, and what does this produce?

  • Rubisco and oxygen
  • Rubisco and 2x GP
  • Rubisco and 1xGP
  • Rubisco and 2x TP