Perspectives and Treatments for mental disorders

The Biomedical Approach
Routed in Kreapelin (1856-1926) His textbook in psychiatry (1883) provided the basis for the current medical approach to mental illness: Abnormal behaviours represent symptoms of underlying disorders or diseases called mental illness; those have bio
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The Diagnostic & Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) -APA
It was used as a ‘matching tool’: specific symptoms were matched with specific disorders… The same method applies today (Davies 2013)
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The multi axial system used in the previous versions of the DSM has been removed (these aimed to help clinicians to differentiate MDs from general medical conditions) In the DSM V it is simply stated-rooted in biological causes
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Psychodynamic Apporach
Routed in Freud’s Psychoanalytic Theory Our personality is shaped by our past experience Past traumatic events &/or lack of ‘good relationships’ are at the basis of MDs
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Psychodynamic defence mechanisms
builds up rigid defence mechanisms to protect herself from traumas and/or lack of significant events E.g. Denial Rationalization Projection
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Psychodynamic techniques - dream analysis
Dream analysis Inacceptable thoughts are converted into ‘topics’ of the dreams (Freud, 1900) How? Condensation: of several events/ impulses Manifest meanings Latent meanings
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Other techniques
Analysis of defence mechanisms Free associations Transfer Contrasfer Freudian sleeps
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The new Psychodynamic approach
Based on the work on Anna Freud (1895-1982), Melanie Klein (1882-1960), and Donald Winnicott (1986-1971). Direct observation of the infant’s behaviour, including playing. More emphasis on the present & on attachment
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Aims of new approach
Insights’ To re-built the Self  to equip the person with adequate instruments to solve future problems
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Behavioural approach to abnormal behaviour
Behaviour is learned It’s learned through conditioned/ unconditioned responses It’s shaped through reinforcements and punishments
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Behavioural techniques
Aims: reinforcement of specific behaviours and extinguishment of negative ones How? Behaviour Modifications: Shaping Fading Token Economy
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An example of therapeutic punishment in BA (Blount et al., 1982)
G., 16 year old girl with severe intellectual disability  target: Bruxism Punishment: every time she grounded her teeth  staff members touched her face with ice cube for a few seconds  bruxism decreased after a few month until eventually ceased
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Criticisms of behavioural therapy
treats symptoms but not causes. It may be unethical to deprive patients of certain things as a form of punishment
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Cognitive Approach
Informational-processing model Schemas: accumulated knowledge Constructs. Abnormality has to do with faulty schemas & constructs
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Aim of the cognitive therapy
Fixing cognitive distortions e.g.: I failed an exam therefore I am worthless; It’s raining: that means my day is going to be destroyed; Even if I passed an exam it doesn’t mean I am going to succeed… Replace cognitive distortions with rational alt
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Assessment of maladaptive behaviours Awareness/acknowledge of maladaptive behaviours Skills acquisition Consolidation of new skills / homework/ diaries Generalization Assessment follow-up
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Card 2


It was used as a ‘matching tool’: specific symptoms were matched with specific disorders… The same method applies today (Davies 2013)


The Diagnostic & Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) -APA

Card 3


The multi axial system used in the previous versions of the DSM has been removed (these aimed to help clinicians to differentiate MDs from general medical conditions) In the DSM V it is simply stated-rooted in biological causes


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Card 4


Routed in Freud’s Psychoanalytic Theory Our personality is shaped by our past experience Past traumatic events &/or lack of ‘good relationships’ are at the basis of MDs


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Card 5


builds up rigid defence mechanisms to protect herself from traumas and/or lack of significant events E.g. Denial Rationalization Projection


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It would be beneficial to add humanistic perspectives such as Maslow, Rogers and Seligman.

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