Personality factors

What is type A behaviour?
Behaviour pattern characterised by constant time pressure, competitive in work/social situations, and becomes easily angered/frustrated by others and situations
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What is 'hardy behaviour'?
provides a defence against the negative effects of stress - have high internal control over their lives and see's life's stressors as opportunities
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What is Type B personality?
Behaviour is characterised by an easygoing relaxed and patient approach to life
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What research is there on Type A behaviour?
To test whether type A's related to CHD FRIEDMAN and ROSENMAN set up Western collaborative Group Study of 300 men aged 29-59 living in California were examined for CHD to exclude ill individuals and their personalities tested in a provocative interv
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What did Friedman and Rosenman find?
After 8.5 years 2x type A had died from heart problems, over 12% had experienced a heart attack, compared to 6% type B - type A had higher blood and cholesterol and were more likely to smoke
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What research supports this?
RAGLAND AND BRAND did a followup study = 22 years after found 215 men died of CHD but no relationship between type A and mortality challenging the earlier research
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What research was done into the Hardy Personality ?
KOBASA studied 800 American business men using SRRS = 150 of men high stress,some had high stress low illness scores suggesting something else modifying stress effects
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What 3 characteristics did the Hardy personality score high on?
Control (high) - commitment (involved in world) - challenge (life challenges are things to be dealt with)
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Who else studied work place stress and hardy personality?
Over a year Maddi et al reviewed a US company - workforce rapidly reduced by 2/3rds due to illness, 1/3rd left thrived due to hardy personality LIFTON et al measure hardiness of students at 5 US UNI's, - low hardiness more likely to be dropouts
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Evaluation points on Hardiness?
Negative affectivity (NA) - high NA more likely to report distress and dissatisfaction (dwell on failures and negatives) NA and hardiness correlate well hardy individuals are low on NA. Studies all based on self-report q's = low internal validity
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Card 2


What is 'hardy behaviour'?


provides a defence against the negative effects of stress - have high internal control over their lives and see's life's stressors as opportunities

Card 3


What is Type B personality?


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Card 4


What research is there on Type A behaviour?


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Card 5


What did Friedman and Rosenman find?


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