Periodic Table Groups

  • Created by: stana010
  • Created on: 11-03-14 17:26
Group 1 - Alkali Metals
Low Density. React with non metals to form Ionic Compounds. They react with water, releasing hydrogen. Form hydroxides that dissolve in water to give alkaline solutions. The further down you go. The more reactive and the lower the melting point
1 of 6
The Transition Elements
Compared to group 1 metals, the transition metals: Have higher melting and boiling points (except mercury), Harder and Stronger, Are much less reactive and are used for building. They also form ions with different charges. Useful as Catalysts.
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Group 7 - The Halogens
Poor Conductors. Poisonous. Produce coloured vapours. React with metals to form ionic compounds. The ion produced is a halide and has a charge of -1. the further down you go. The less reactive. The higher the melting point.
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Group 7 - The Halogens - Continued
A more reactive halogen can displace a less reactive one from an aqueous solution of its salt - dissolved in water. CL + KBr = KCL + Br
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Explanation of the trends in group 1 and 7
the higher the energy level of outer electrons - the more easily the electrons are lost and more less easily gained. The nearer the outer electron, the higher the energy level. - Group 1
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Explanation of the trends in group 1 and 7 - continued
Group 7- The higher element has a stronger electrons, and it can gain an electron more easily. the lower it is. the weaker the electrons. The harder it is to gain electrons. and therefore is less reactive.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Compared to group 1 metals, the transition metals: Have higher melting and boiling points (except mercury), Harder and Stronger, Are much less reactive and are used for building. They also form ions with different charges. Useful as Catalysts.


The Transition Elements

Card 3


Poor Conductors. Poisonous. Produce coloured vapours. React with metals to form ionic compounds. The ion produced is a halide and has a charge of -1. the further down you go. The less reactive. The higher the melting point.


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Card 4


A more reactive halogen can displace a less reactive one from an aqueous solution of its salt - dissolved in water. CL + KBr = KCL + Br


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Card 5


the higher the energy level of outer electrons - the more easily the electrons are lost and more less easily gained. The nearer the outer electron, the higher the energy level. - Group 1


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