Pentheus 11 (concluded)

  • Created by: Lydia22
  • Created on: 31-03-15 11:02
ruit omnis in unum turba furens; cunctae coeunt trepidumque sequuntur, iam trepidum, iam verba minus violenta loquentem,iam se damnantem, iam se pecasse fatentem.
the whole crowd furious rushes onto the one man: they all come together and follow the trembling man, now trembling, speaking words less violently now,now condemning himself, now confessing that he had done wrong.
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saucius ille tamen "fer opem, matertera" dixit, "Autonoe; moveant animos Actaeonis umbrae."
he, wounded, however said: "bring help, Aunt Autonoe! let the shades of Acteon move your minds!"
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illa quis Acteon nescit dextramque precantis abstulit; Inoo lacerata est altera raptu.
she does not know who Acteon is and took off his right hand from him as he begged her; the other hand was torn apart by the grasping of Ino.
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non habet infelix quae matri bracchia tendat, trunca sed ostendens deiectis vulnera membris,
the unlucky man does not have amrs to stretch out to his mother, but his limbs having been destroyed showing his amputated wounds, he says,
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"aspice, mater" ait. visis ululavit Agaue collaque iactivit movitque per aera crinem avulsumque caput digitis complexa cruentis clamat,
"look mother!" on seeing them, Agave howled and tossed her neck and shook her hair through the air and, his head ripped off, embracing it with bloody fingers she shouts,
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"io comites, opus hoc victoria nostra est." non citius frondes autumni frigore tactas iamque male haerentes alta rapit arbore ventus, quam sunt membra viri manibus direpta nefandis.
"Io companions, this deed is our victory!" just as quickly the wind seizes leaves touched by the autumn cold now clinging badloy from a tall tree, so the man's limbs were snatched by abominable hands.
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talibus exemplis monitae nova sacra frequentant turaque dant sanctasque colunt Ismenides aras.
warned by such examples Theban women celebrate the new sacred rites, and give incense and worship the holy alters.
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Card 2


he, wounded, however said: "bring help, Aunt Autonoe! let the shades of Acteon move your minds!"


saucius ille tamen "fer opem, matertera" dixit, "Autonoe; moveant animos Actaeonis umbrae."

Card 3


she does not know who Acteon is and took off his right hand from him as he begged her; the other hand was torn apart by the grasping of Ino.


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Card 4


the unlucky man does not have amrs to stretch out to his mother, but his limbs having been destroyed showing his amputated wounds, he says,


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Card 5


"look mother!" on seeing them, Agave howled and tossed her neck and shook her hair through the air and, his head ripped off, embracing it with bloody fingers she shouts,


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