Patterns of inheritance

  • Created by: Om4r
  • Created on: 16-06-19 07:50
What is a monohybrid?
1 Characteristic, 1 Dominant and 1 Recessive allele
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What is a Phenotype?
Observable characteristics (what it looks like)
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What may cause a change in Phenotype?
Environmental factors
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What Environmental factors might cause a change in Phenotype?
Lack of light, Mineral Deficiencies or a Virus/infection
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How may a lack of light change the phenotype of a plant?
Plant turns off chlorophyll production temporarily so it's no longer green
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How may a mineral deficiency change the phenotype of a plant?
Plant can't make chlorophyll, gradually all leaves become yellow e.g. lack of iron which is needed as a cofactor
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What is meant by Genotype?
The combination of alleles an organism inherits for a characteristic
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What is a Dominant allele?
A version of the gene that will always be expressed
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What is a Recessive allele?
When 2 alleles required to code for the recessive phenotype
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What is Homozygous?
2 identical alleles for a characteristic
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What is Heterozygous?
2 different alleles for a characteristic, dominant allele is always expressed
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What is Continuous variation?
A characteristic that can take any value within a range
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What is continuous variation influenced by?
Genetics and environmental factors
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What is Discontinuous variation?
Characteristic that can only appear in specific value
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What is discontinuous variation influenced by?
Mainly genetics , 1 or 2 genes
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What is the pathway for the activation of cAMP and its effects?
Signalling molecule binds to receptor on plasma membrane Activates (A) transmembrane protein, (A) G protein, (A) Adenyl cyclase enzymes, this catalyses the formation of many cAMP from ATP this (A) protein kinase this catalyses phosphorylation protein
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When does a chromosome mutation occur?
During meiosis
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What is the acronym for the different chromosome mutations?
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What dos TIPANDD stand for?
Translocation, Inversion, Polyploidy, Anueploidy, Non-disjunction, Deletion, Duplication
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What is Translocation?
When a piece of one chromosome detaches and attaches to another chromosome which may interfere with gene regulation on translocated chromosome
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What is Inversion?
When a section of a chromosome breaks off and turns 180° then rejoins, all genes are still present but some may be too far away from their regulatory nucleotide sequences to be properly expressed
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What is Polylploidy?
When a diploid gamete is fertilised by a haploid gamete, resulting zygote is triploid
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What is Anueploidy?
When the chromosome number isn't an exact multiple of the haploid number for that organism
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What is Non-disjunction?
When one pair of chromosomes or chromatids fails to separate leaving one gamete with an extra chromosome
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What is Deletion?
When part of a chromosome containing genes and regulatory sequences is lost
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What is Duplication?
When a piece of the chromosome is duplicated leading to over expression of genes.
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What act creates genetic variation?
Sexual reproduction
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What are the 3 ways genetic variation can occur during meiosis?
Allele shuffling, Independent assortment of chromosomes during Metaphase 1 and Anaphase 1. Independent assortment of chromatids during Metaphase 2 and Anaphase 2
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What is Allele shuffling?
The swapping of alleles between non-sister chromatids during crossing over in Prophase 1
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What also creates Genetic diversity outside of Meiosis?
Random fusion of Gametes. Any male gamete can combine with any female gamete from an organism of the same species
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What is Phenotypic Variation caused by?
Environmental factors
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What Environmental factors cause Phenotypic Variation?
Speaking with a particular dialect/accent. Losing a limb/having a scar
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What is a Test cross?
When an organism exhibiting dominant phenotype is mixed with recessive phenotype
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What is Monogenic?
Determined by a Single gene
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How many alleles are involved in a Monohybrid cross?
4 alleles, 2 for each organism e.g. RR+rr
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What do Dihybrid crosses show?
The inheritance of 2 different characteristics caused by 2 genes e.g. YR, Yr
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What is the inheritance of 2 genes known as?
Dihybrid inheritance
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What is Codominance?
When both alleles are dominant in the genotype of a heterozygous individual and contribute to the individuals phenotype
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What are Multiples alleles?
A characteristic that has 3 or more alleles in the populations gene pool
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What are the 4 human blood groups?
A, B, AB, O
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Which alleles are dominant?
A and B
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What are the possible alleles for Blood Group A?
I (A) I (A) or I (A) I (O)
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What are the possible alleles for Blood group B?
I (B) I (B) or I (B) I (O)
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What are the possible alleles for Blood group AB?
I (A) I (B)
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What are the possible alleles for Blood group O?
I (O) I(O)
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What are Autosomes?
The other 22 chromosomes that exclude the sex chromosomes
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What are the Chromosomes for males?
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What are the Chromosomes for females?
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What is Sex linkage?
When characteristics are determined by genes on the sex chromosomes
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What is an example of a sex-linked genetic disorder?
Haemophilia A, the gene for blood clotting is on one of the X chromosomes in females, if carrier (male/female) passes on that X chromosome to male offspring, he will suffer Haemophilia A because Y chromosome doesn't have gene for blood clotting
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What is Epistasis?
A form of gene interaction where one gene masks the phenotypic expression of another
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What are Epistatic alleles?
The alleles that are masking the effect
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What are Hypostatic alleles?
The alleles whose effects are being masked
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is a Phenotype?


Observable characteristics (what it looks like)

Card 3


What may cause a change in Phenotype?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What Environmental factors might cause a change in Phenotype?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


How may a lack of light change the phenotype of a plant?


Preview of the front of card 5
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