Other questions in this quiz

2. what is the employment situation in easington?

  • there are 1442 of 1800 unemployed
  • the houses are mainly terraced, they were built to accommodate the workers from the nearby mine, the type of housing needs a lot of repairs as the area of easington is in decline

3. what are the measures used by the CBD (Eldon Square) in order to mantain a vibrant retailing experience ?

  • organizing events such as Live at 5/ late opening/student discounts(up to 20 %)/fashion weeks/extension for more shops
  • live at 5/l.op./s.d/ext./f.w

4. what is a student district?

  • an area in which the majority of the area are students
  • the process of becoming a ghetto, an isolated and underprivilidge

5. what are the reasons for intra-urban migration?

  • safety/better lifestyle/school/segregation/employment opportunities
  • s the separation of people in an area


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