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6. Who finds a general erosion in class voting across 20 advanced industrial economies and what fraction decrease?

  • Nieuwbeerta & De Graaf - almost 1/2 in Britain, Sweden and Australia and almost 2/3 in Gernamy
  • Dalton - almost 1/2 in Britain, Sweden and Australia and almost 2/3 in Gernamy

7. Which of the following is not a factor used by Dalton to explain the decline in sociological model of voting behaviour?

  • rise of the middle classes
  • top down party policy choices to reflect the changing social bases of support
  • ties between individuals and groups have weakened
  • cognitive mobilization (voters no longer rely on social cues)

8. Who says 'almost all of the countries we have studied show a decline in the ability of social cleavages to structure individual voting choice'?

  • Dalton
  • Downs
  • Frankin et al.
  • Tilley