Other questions in this quiz

2. Why were neutrinos hypothesised?

  • Because the energy after beta decay was less than before
  • Because the energy after beta decay was more than before
  • Because the charge after beta decay was less than before
  • Because the charge after beta decay was more than before

3. Why does alpha decay occur?

  • Because the atom is ionised
  • The nuclei is too large to be kept stable
  • There are too many protons
  • The nuclei is too small

4. How does the strong force act between different particles?

  • It acts the same
  • It depends on the number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus
  • It is stronger between two neutrons
  • It is stronger between a proton and a neutron

5. What particles are emitted in Beta plus decay

  • proton, electron, antineutrino
  • electron, proton
  • neutron, positron, neutrino
  • proton, positron, neutrino


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