Other questions in this quiz

2. Diffraction is...

  • ...when waves move through a narrow gap or past an obstacle, they spread out from the edges
  • ...when waves move through a narrow gap or past an obstacle, they diverge inwards from the edges

3. Magnification is worked out by...

  • ...focal length of objective lens/focal length of eyepiece lens
  • ...focal length of eyepiece lens/focal length of objective lens

4. Power of a lens is measured in...

  • ...dioptres
  • ...power level
  • ...volts

5. What is a converging (convex) lens?

  • A lens that causes parallel rays to converge to the focal point
  • A lens that causes parallel rays to diverge from the focal point
  • A lens that causes parallel rays to ignore the focal point


Miss KHP


Good quiz for OCR Physics. Great as you can check your answers straight away

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