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6. Which of the following does NOT explain how air bags reduce the force on the driver in a crash?

  • Slows down the acceleration
  • Increases stopping time
  • Greater time for Kinetic energy to be dissipated
  • Increases speed of collision
  • Increases stopping distance

7. The air bags in a car absorb kinetic energy when a crash occurs.

  • True
  • False

8. Which of these factors does NOT increase fuel consumption?

  • Driving at higher speeds
  • Increased loads
  • Driving straight
  • Air conditioning
  • Braking hard

9. When an object is dropped why does its speed increase until it reaches terminal speed?

  • There is no gravity acting on it
  • The weight of the object is greater than the drag/air resistance acting against it
  • The drag/air resistance acting against it is equal to its weight
  • It has a lot of energy
  • The drag/air resistance is greater than the object

10. In a speed-time graph what can be calculated from the area from the area under the line?

  • Mass
  • Distance travelled
  • Accerelation
  • Speed
  • Age

11. Which of these is NOT a reason why crumple zones reduce the force on a driver in a crash?

  • Reduces acceleration
  • Reduces deceleration
  • Increases stopping/collision distance
  • Absorbs kinetic energy
  • Increases stopping/collision time

12. Active safety features in a car ie. crumple zones make driving safer by reducing the likelihood of a crash occurring.

  • True
  • False

13. When an object's weight is greater than its drag, what happens to the acceleration of free-fall acting on the object as it falls?

  • Turns into kinetic energy
  • Stays the same
  • Increases
  • Decreases
  • Turns into sound energy

14. Drag/air resistance increases with speed.

  • True
  • False

15. The amount of KE an object has as it falls changes at terminal speed.

  • False
  • True

16. When an object is at terminal speed what happens to the object's potential energy and what does it do?

  • Turns into kinetic energy
  • Increases exponentially
  • Turns into sound energy
  • Decreases as it works against the friction between the object and air
  • Turns into dust

17. Electric cars renew their supply of energy by recharging their batteries.

  • True
  • False

18. Which of the following explains how electric cars pollute the air?

  • They don't have to recharge
  • They use electricity
  • Power stations make the electricity the car uses, and power stations pollute the air
  • They have no exhaust pipe
  • There are not many recharging stations currently available

19. The braking distance in a car is: proportional to its velocity squared, and proportional to its KE.

  • True
  • False

20. What happens to the kinetic energy of an object at terminal speed?

  • Remains constant
  • Decreases
  • Becomes zero
  • Increases
  • Turns into potential energy