Of mice and men quiz

Quiz on Of mine and men, key point e.g characters and themes

  • Created by: Katie
  • Created on: 07-04-12 17:16
When was Of mice and men written?
1 of 3
How does the death of candy's dog foreshadow the death of Lennie?
It shows how the 'leader' of them both kills the other for a good reason
2 of 3
Why is Curley's wife never given a name
Shows woman are weaker in 1930's society
3 of 3

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Card 2


How does the death of candy's dog foreshadow the death of Lennie?


It shows how the 'leader' of them both kills the other for a good reason

Card 3


Why is Curley's wife never given a name


Preview of the front of card 3


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