odyssey key terms

  • Created by: phoebe
  • Created on: 08-03-14 16:02
divine machinery
a collective noun for the gods and goddesses, so called from their use as plot devices or mechanisms. the plot is kept going through the agency of Athene, the opposition of posidon and concluded by Zues at the end.
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double plot
two strandad plot (the journey of telemachus and the return of odysseus), more integrated than a plot or subplot.
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the concept of epic
a work of art (usually a poem) on a grand scale, written in grand style with heroic figures involved in a great tale or adventure; the odyssey is a defining type of the genre with unified plot diversified by numerous episodes.
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strong emotion often refering to suffering and being melancholic and sad.
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opposite to pathos, meaning happy.
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a part of the poem thats self contained and not absolutely neccessary for the main plot eg the episode with the cyclops
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the greek word for adjective, Homer uses it to describe places and people. EG 'rugged Ithaca' or 'much enduring odysseus'
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recurring unit of sense and repeated phrases
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a distinct kind of literature, such as epic here or for example comedy each genre has its own coventions and characteristics.
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saying one thing that has another meaning or implication
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when somthing is metaphorical it means that the implication is not literal EG when telemachus and odysseus accuse penelope of having a heart of stone this obviously isnt realistic.
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poetic justice
a state of affairs when the good are awarded and the bad are punished so called seldom (rarely) happens in life only in fiction
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a series of storys about a particular hero; the plot of the odyssey comprises various elements from the saga of the odysseus about whom there were doubtless many stories.
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a comparison using 'like or as' often extended similies are used in homers odyssey and a chief source of poetic imagery.
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unity of action
a series of actions linked by a necessary chain of cause and effect, as in the main plot of the odyssey involving the return of odysseus and his re establishment of order in his house.
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Card 2


two strandad plot (the journey of telemachus and the return of odysseus), more integrated than a plot or subplot.


double plot

Card 3


a work of art (usually a poem) on a grand scale, written in grand style with heroic figures involved in a great tale or adventure; the odyssey is a defining type of the genre with unified plot diversified by numerous episodes.


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Card 4


strong emotion often refering to suffering and being melancholic and sad.


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Card 5


opposite to pathos, meaning happy.


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