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6. What is the equation for the second ionisation of oxygen?

  • O+ (g) -> O2+ (g) + e-
  • O+ (l) -> O2+ (g) + e- (s)
  • O2+ (g) -> O3+ (g) + e-
  • O2- (g) -> O2+ (g) + H2O

7. What is dative covalent bonding?

  • When both electrons come from one atom
  • When atoms share more than one pair of electron e.g. in N2
  • When there are more than 8 electrons in outer shell
  • When there are less than 8 electrons in outer shell

8. What affects ionisation energy?

  • nuclear charge, distance from nucleus and sheilding
  • distance from the nucleus, shielding and intermolecular forces
  • only nuclear charge
  • the shape and size of an atom

9. What is a covalent bond?

  • 1 shared electron
  • a shared pair of electrons
  • the electrostatic attraction between two oppositely charged ions
  • the electrostatic attraction between ions with the same charge

10. What charge does the Sulfate SO4 ion carry?

  • 2+
  • 4-
  • 2-
  • 4+