OCR AS Biology Biodiversity Definitions

  • Created by: Bethcr
  • Created on: 09-03-14 16:41
the variety of life. The range of living organisms to be found
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the place where an organism lives
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A group of individual organisms ery similar in appearance, anatomy
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Habitat Diversity
range of habitats in which different species live.
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Species Diversity
the number of different species and the abundance of each species in an ecosystem.
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Genetic Diversity
The variation of alleles within species
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Species Richness
Number of species found in a habitat, no identification needed, no account of individuals. 1 daisy has as much influence as 1000 buttercups
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Species evenness
the relative number or abundance of individuals in each species
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Simpson's Index of Biodiversity
a formula used to measure biodiversity of a habitat taking into account species richness and evenness
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A line taken across a habitat
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Sweep netting
used to collect flying insects
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Pitfall trap
A trap in the ground for collection of insects, amphibians and reptiles; organisms remain stuck in the trap until it is emptied
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Tullgren funnel
captures small animals from leaf litter
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Light trap
Collects flying insects at night e.g. moths
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Card 2


the place where an organism lives



Card 3


A group of individual organisms ery similar in appearance, anatomy


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Card 4


range of habitats in which different species live.


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Card 5


the number of different species and the abundance of each species in an ecosystem.


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