OCR 21st Century Combined Science P2

  • Created by: kokokeisy
  • Created on: 22-04-18 17:24
Name the 8 Energy Stores.
(1)Thermal(2)Kinetic(3)Gravitational Potential(4)Elastic(5)Chemical(6)Nuclear(7)Electromagnetic(8)Electrostatic
1 of 49
Define Conduction.
Where vibrating particles transfer their energy to neighbouring particles.
2 of 49
Define Convection.
When heat energy transfers energy from a hotter region to a cooler one B)
3 of 49
When energy is transferred by RADIATION, what energy store is it transferred to?
Thermal Energy Stores
4 of 49
Work done=....?
Energy transferred
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In what ways can work be done?
Mechanically or Electrically.
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Define the CONSERVATIONofENERGY Principle
Energy can be transferred usefully, stored, or disspipated but never created or d e s t r o y e d
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Define Dissipated Energy
Wasted energy that cant be used usefully
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Define a CLosed System
a system where nothing can enter or leave
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Whats the net change in a closed system?
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Define Power
Rate of Energy Transfer
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What does a Power Rating show?
the maximum operating powers of an electrical appliance.
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Unit for Energy?
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How many kWh is there in a Watt?
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How do you calculate the cost of using an electical device?
(1)Find amount of energy transferred(2)Cost of kWh used x Total cost of running device
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How do you increase efficiency?
Reducing unwanted energy transfers, Lubricating, Making smth more Streamlined
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How do you remove energy losses in buildings?
Use Thermal Insulation(Thicc curtains, Cavity Walls,Double Glazed Windows). (2)Thiccer Walls
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Define a non-renewable source
A resource that will eventually run out
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Examples of NOn-REnewable sOurces
Uranium, Plutonium, Coal, Oil, Gas
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Whats an advantage of using non-renewable sources/
Reliable.Respond quick to changes in demand.
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Cons of non-renewable sources
Contributes to global warming and greenhouse has emissions, Causes acid rain, dificult to dispose nuclear waste
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Define a renewable source.
a source that doesnt run out
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Examples of renewable sources
Biofuels, Wind, Sun, Hydroelectricity, Tides
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Advantages of renewable sources
dont do as much damage to the envrionment
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Cons to renewable sources
dont provide as much energy as non renewable sources and can be unrealiable
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List the stages of a steam-driven turbine.
(1)Water is heated as fossil fuel burns(2)Water turns to steam,Turns Turbine.(3)Turbine generates Potential Difference by spinning a magnet near to wire(4)Current flows to National Grid
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Pros of Wind Power
No fuel costs, no pollution
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Cons to wind Power
Spoils View,Noisy, and doesnt respond to high demand.
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Pros to Solar Cells
Energy is free and running costs are almost nil after intial costs,No pollution
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Cons to Solar Cells
Run electricity to a small scale, suitable for sunny countries, cant produce power at night
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Pros of Biofuel
Renewable,Can be used for fuel,No net change in atmosphere,Fairly Reliable
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Cons of Biofuel
Expensive,Harder to respond to high energy demands, Lose in habitats for species. Increases methane nd CO2 emissions
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Pros to Hydroelectricity
Immediate reponses to high energy demand, Reliable, Minimal running costs
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Cons to Hydroelectricity
Flooding, loss of habitat for species.
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Pros of Tidal Barrages
No pollution, Reliable,
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Cons to Tidal Barrages
Affects boat access, Spoil views, Alters habitat for wildlife, dont work if water level is the same either side
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Describe a Tidal Barrage
Big Dams across rivers with turbines in them and let out water when its full.
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Why is our energy demand so high now?
Increasing population, technology advances, our lifestyles
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Define the National Grid
Giant Web of wires and transformers that covers the UK and connects power stations to consumers
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WHat do Transformers do for the National Grid?
THey increase generated electricity to a high p.d before going through national grid
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What is A.C?
An Alternating.Current. Its direction of current is always changing direction which is produced by alternating voltages
41 of 49
Whats the Uk's a.c energy supply?
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Whats the frequency of the a.c supply?
43 of 49
Define D.C
Direct.Current where current is only travelling in one direction,.
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What are the names of the three wires in plugs for the UK?
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What does an Earth Wire do?
Safety Purpose. 0V. GReen and Yellow
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What does the Netural Wire do?
Electricity flows out of this wire. 0V. Blue
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What does the Live wire do?
Voltage goes in. Alternates between -ve and +ve voltage. 230V. Brown
48 of 49
Why is it still dangerous to touch an electric socket even if its turned off?
Theres still a voltage in the live wire which could pass through your body
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Define Conduction.


Where vibrating particles transfer their energy to neighbouring particles.

Card 3


Define Convection.


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


When energy is transferred by RADIATION, what energy store is it transferred to?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Work done=....?


Preview of the front of card 5
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