Organizational behavior
The study and understanding of individual and group behavior and patterns of structure in order to help improve organizational performance and effectiveness.
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➢ Three disciplines
Psychologists→personality system. eg. perception, attitudes, motives -Sociologists→ social structure and positions eg. the relationship bt the behavior of leaders and followers -Anthropologists→culture system, the beliefs eg. Muslim women wearing
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Organizational Iceberg
One way to recognize why people behave as they do at work. -formals aspects (eg. rules &regulations, financial resources) focus only on the tip of the iceberg(organization). It is important to focus on what u can’t see (behavior aspects-eg. attitud
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➢ Psychological contract
Balance of individual needs (security, financial rewards, promotional opportunities) and organization needs(loyalty, real commitment to achieving business aims)
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Work orientations
• Instrumental orientation -work is not central to life -Clear distinction between work and life • Bureaucratic orientation -Work is central to life -commitment to workplace -close link between work and life • Solidaristic orientation: -work is de
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Card 2


Psychologists→personality system. eg. perception, attitudes, motives -Sociologists→ social structure and positions eg. the relationship bt the behavior of leaders and followers -Anthropologists→culture system, the beliefs eg. Muslim women wearing


➢ Three disciplines

Card 3


One way to recognize why people behave as they do at work. -formals aspects (eg. rules &regulations, financial resources) focus only on the tip of the iceberg(organization). It is important to focus on what u can’t see (behavior aspects-eg. attitud


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Card 4


Balance of individual needs (security, financial rewards, promotional opportunities) and organization needs(loyalty, real commitment to achieving business aims)


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Card 5


• Instrumental orientation -work is not central to life -Clear distinction between work and life • Bureaucratic orientation -Work is central to life -commitment to workplace -close link between work and life • Solidaristic orientation: -work is de


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