
How do you add or subtract fractions?
Make the denominator (bottom number) the same, then add/subtract top numbers
1 of 5
How do you multiply fractions?
Multiply top by top and bottom by bottom
2 of 5
How do you divide fractions?
Turn the second fraction upside down then multiply
3 of 5
How do you answer a question about recurring decimals? (such as ... Prove that 0.24 recurring = 8/33)
Write the recurring decimal equal to n, then multiply it by either 10 (1 digit recurs) 100 (2 digits recur), 1000 (3), etc. Then subtract n to remove recurring bit, then divide both sides by 9, 99, 999 etc to make fraction, then simplify for answer
4 of 5
How do you answer a question about upper and lower bounds?
Upper and lower bounds are a measure of accuracy, the lower bound is the minimum value something can be, the upper bound is the maximum value something can be. E.g. (Width of postcard is 8cm to nearest cm, so lower bound is 7.5cm, upper bound is 8.5c
5 of 5

Other cards in this set

Card 2


How do you multiply fractions?


Multiply top by top and bottom by bottom

Card 3


How do you divide fractions?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


How do you answer a question about recurring decimals? (such as ... Prove that 0.24 recurring = 8/33)


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


How do you answer a question about upper and lower bounds?


Preview of the front of card 5


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