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6. If a chain reaction isn't controlled-

  • there will be a risk of fire
  • it prevents any of these other options
  • there'll be a nuclear explosion
  • living things will become ill

7. Fusion occurs when-

  • pigs fly,it's not happened yet
  • one big nuclei splits to form two daughter nuclei
  • small nuclei join to make large ones
  • you mess around injecting things with odd stuff you probably shouldn't even be near

8. In a fission reaction-

  • three nuclei split then combine into one
  • small nuclei combine to make big ones
  • a big, unstable nucleus can split into smaller ones when ,for example, absorbing a neutron
  • an atom splits into two smaller ones

9. true or false- all nuclear reactions can be sources of energy

  • From a certain point of view
  • Idk
  • true
  • false

10. How are chain reactions controlled?

  • other
  • nuclei are kept stable
  • use a different material to absorb neutrons,slwoing the recation down as there are fewer neutrons to stimulate more fission recations
  • we don't know how to control a hypothetical chain reaction yet

11. Only one neutron from each _____ can cause another _____

  • atom
  • fission
  • chain reaction
  • fusion

12. Why is fusion difficult?

  • Trick question!
  • Because scientists haven't yet figured out how it works
  • Nuclei have to be really close before it occurs, and as unless really high temperatures and pressures are reached to overcome this, the positive charges repel one another
  • Nuclei may blow up if they get to the correct heat and pressure for fusion,so there is a low chance of them being able to fuse