Mussolini's Consolodation Of Power 1922-1926

Explain how Mussolini was able to consolodate his political power in Italy between 1922 and 1926.
EmrgencyPwers-ChamberDeputies2ReformAdmin+Tax ,KeyPositions,FascistGrandCouncil +Militia,AcerbowLaw,Electoral Success,PressCensorship, MatteottiMurder-AventineSuccession,Propaganda, LeggeFascistissime, ElectedMunicipalCouncils+ mayorsReplacedPodestas
1 of 14
What problems faced Mussolini in 1922 when he came to power?
OtherPolitcalParties, IndependentTradeUnions, NotAsPopularAsNeedsToBe, RegularDemocraticElections, CivilRights, Conservative+LiberalAspirations ToTameFascism
2 of 14
How did the gaining of Emergency Powers in 1922 help Mussolini?
EmergencyPowersFor12Months, BypassParliament, Strength, LessReliantOnOthers, OppositionLessPowerful
3 of 14
How did the appointment of key Fascists help Mussolini?
GainedControlOf MostImportantMinistries- DeStefani=ForeignMinistry ,BeBono=MinistryOfInterior,Finance+PoliceUnderHisControl ,LoyalFascistSecretaries, Liberals+Conservatives IncludedForAppearenceOfModeration, InclusiveSituation.
4 of 14
How did Mussolini control Fascism in terms of theGrand Council and the new Fascist Militia?
GrandCouncil= Leading MembersOfPNF,Dominates OtherLeadingFascists, MilitiaGroup= SquadristiDisciplined, StateFunded ,MSVN, ExArmyOfficers, 300000Members-Oath, PowerfulPrivateArmy-CoupLessLikely,BringsControl
5 of 14
What was the Cheka and what role did they play in Mussolini's consolidation to power?
PersonalBodyGuard, ProtectedHim,IntimidatedPoliticalOpponents, AmeriqoDumini=ChekaLeader, Murdered Giacomo Matteotti
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Why was the Acerbo (Electoral) Law and important turning point?
It Propelled The Fascists Hugely, OnlyFinishTop+ Gain2/3Seats, Changes FaceOfItalianPolitics, EndsWeakCoallition
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How did Fascism win the 1924 election?
BeatUp+InjuredSocialists, KilledCandidate, RiggedVoteInSouth, Propaganda, LargestShareInVotes + 2/3 Seats
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How did the murder of Matteotti threaten to end Mussolini't reign of power?
SeriousPoliticalFallOutAfterMurder, ClearFascistsDidIt,ImpactsBadly, Mat=LeadingSocialist-Kidnapped+Murdered Liberals+ConservativesSupported=Critical-Protested-WithdrawinParl AventineSecession UnionsThretenedStrike Speech,tookBlame-SaveFromSocialists
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How was Mussolini able to survive and strengthen his position in the wake of the Matteotti murder? (Aventine Secession)
RespondedSlowly, AventineSecession =SocialistDeputies WithdrewFromParliament= Protest, Liberals+Conservative=critical, Still KingSupport, SpeechTaking PersonalResponsibility +Argued necessaryto save from socialism.
10 of 14
What laws did Mussolini introduce in the Legge Fascistissime or Dictatorship of 1925?
BannedOppositionParties+TradeUnions, EstablishedPoliticalForce, ReplacedElectedMayorsWithUNelectedFascists, PressCensorship, ParliamentLostRightToSackPM's, Mussolini=RuleByDecree +Il Duce, StrengthenedHoldOnPower
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How did Fascism use propaganda to strengthen Mussolini's position?
DiffMessages@Groups Mid=AntiCommunism Workin=FascistLeft=AntiCapitalist Old=AincentCulture Young=DynamicForceChange, CultOfDuce-AllPowerfulLeader/ManOfPeople, LowPhotoAngles(Short), NoGlasses,HeadShaved-HairlineSport ******* NapoleonicPose,CultOfRome
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How did Fascism use terror to strengthen Mussolini's position?
Squadristi,2000PoliticalOpponentsMurdered,MSVNIntimidatedVoters, OVRA=PolitcalPolice,700Agents-PrisonCamps-6000Prisoners, BarOwners=Permits=Spy,DoctorsReprtIlness,4596GuiltyPolitcalCrimes,TribunalForDefenceOfState,AntisemeticBans
13 of 14
How did Fascism use censorship to strengthen Mussolini's Position?
Miniculpop-MinistryOfPopularCulture-Propaganda+Enlightenment Press-RemovedAntifascistEditors,ForcedToBeFascistOrClosedDown CinemaBoard-Judge,Mother+OfficialFromSecurity InstitutoLuce- GivesPublicInformation,ProgovernmentFilms.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What problems faced Mussolini in 1922 when he came to power?


OtherPolitcalParties, IndependentTradeUnions, NotAsPopularAsNeedsToBe, RegularDemocraticElections, CivilRights, Conservative+LiberalAspirations ToTameFascism

Card 3


How did the gaining of Emergency Powers in 1922 help Mussolini?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


How did the appointment of key Fascists help Mussolini?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


How did Mussolini control Fascism in terms of theGrand Council and the new Fascist Militia?


Preview of the front of card 5
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