Muscles of facial expression


1. Insertion, function of the largest muscle in the nasal group.

  • Deppresor septi nasi, inserts= transverse part to the aponeurosis at the dorsum of the nose (compreses flares). Alar part to the alar cartilage of nasoskeleton (inflares nostrils)
  • Nasalis, inserts= transverse part to the aponeurosis at the dorsum of the nose (compreses flares). Alar part to the alar cartilage of nasoskeleton (inflares nostrils)
  • Nasalis, inserts= into the maxilla (inflares nostrils)
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Other questions in this quiz

2. which muscles blends with the obcularis oris?

  • Buccinator wich has infermedial direction fibres, and prevents accumulation of food in the cheeks
  • Obcularis palpebra part and orbital part. Palpebra part contracts muscle softly, and orbital part contracts strongly

3. Where does procerus orginate from

  • it orginates from the nasal bone and inserts onto the lower medial forehead -pulls eyebrows medially cause vertical wrinkles
  • it orginates from the nasal bone and inserts onto the upper forehead -raises eyebrows medially cause horizontally wrinkles
  • Its is the most superior muscle in the nasal muscles and attaches onto the skin above zygomatic bone

4. what is ectropion?

  • when the lower lid droops this results in lacrimal fluid builds up and not spread accross the surface. so debris builds up and causes ulceration of cornea.
  • when the upper lid droops this results in lacrimal fluid builds up and not spread accross the surface. so debris builds up and causes ulceration of cornea.

5. Which of these muscles are not part of the orbital group?

  • Corrugator Supercilli
  • Procerus (eyebrows)
  • Obcularis Oculi - inner palpebral part
  • Obcularis Oculi - outer orbital part


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