muscle spindle revision

  • Created by: Zina_
  • Created on: 30-04-18 15:36
what are the sensory receptors contributing to proprioception?
muscle spindle, tendon organs, joint receptors, cutaneous receptors
1 of 5
how do the number of muscle spindles vary according to skeletal muscle function?
the larger the force with less precision the fewer spindles needed
2 of 5
what is the difference between intrafusal muscle fibres and normal skeletal ones?
intrafusal muscle fibres are smaller in diameter than normal skeletal fibres and are enclosed within connective tissue capsule, central region of fibres innervated by 1A sensory afferent axon, with the axon terminating around each intrafusal fibre
3 of 5
how do muscles containing spindles contract?
muscle containing spindle is stretched= distorts sensory endings wrapped around each intrafusal muscle fibre=depolarisation = ap= spinal cord ap conduction
4 of 5
why is sensory feedback by muscle spindles important?
regulates body posture through spinal reflexs/stretch reflex/regulation of ongoing muscle contractions
5 of 5

Other cards in this set

Card 2


how do the number of muscle spindles vary according to skeletal muscle function?


the larger the force with less precision the fewer spindles needed

Card 3


what is the difference between intrafusal muscle fibres and normal skeletal ones?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


how do muscles containing spindles contract?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


why is sensory feedback by muscle spindles important?


Preview of the front of card 5


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