Multicellular aspects


1. Which of these about Parkinsons is correct

  • it affects the substantia nigra which is part of the basal lamina
  • the movement reward pathway is disrupted leading to tremours
  • SSRIs are used as treatment
  • it involves the peptide amyloid B
1 of 12

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2. Which of these about a stroke is correct

  • it occurs either by a blocked artery or the bursting of a blood vessel
  • sufferers have a build up of oligomer plaques
  • if the medulla is affected, it leads to permanent damage
  • treatment for stroke should start within 2 hours according to nice

3. Which of the following about cell junctions in epithelial cells is incorrect

  • desmosomes are made of a plaque of protein containing keratin
  • adhesion belts are part of communicating junctions
  • hemi desmosomes link cells down onto the basal lamina
  • desmosomes join adjacent cells together

4. which of these is a definition of autocrine action

  • hormones which are released only in the immediate vicinity
  • hormones which act on different cells to ones that produce it
  • the hormone acts on the same cell that produced it
  • glands which secrete hormones directly into the blood

5. Which of these about the extracellular matrix is correct

  • it provides structural and biochemical support
  • the matrix is found everywhere in the epithelial cells apart from in the basal layer
  • there is more matrix in the epithelial cells compared to connective tissue
  • matrix contains lipids and collogen


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