Multi Store Model REVISE

SOme questiond covering the topic

  • Created by: Anna
  • Created on: 25-03-13 14:35
6 Key Points
First Model, Separate Stores, Linear Model (flow), Major differences (c,d,e), Different reasons for (loss, decay,interference displacement,retrival failure)
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Sensory Store
Limited duration, must attend to info or it's lost
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Capacity - Miller 7+/-2. Duration - Peterson and Peterson 18 seconds. Encouding - Acoustic Baddeley acoustic similar words are difficult
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Capacity - Unlimited. Duration - Potentially a lifetime Bahricks. Encoding - Baddeley semantic words are confusing
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Maintenance Rehearsal (Maintained) . Transfer info by Elaborative Rehearsal.
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Primacy and Recency Effect
When 20 words read out first ones are remembered due to LTM (as rehearsed) while last ones due to STM as just heared
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Clive Wearing
Shows Separate stores, Shows LTM not unitary
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Baddeley Word-length
Reading speed/5words/one-syllabic or pollysylabic/immediately wright down, more shorts words, could recall just as many as articulate in 2 seconds, perhaps only due to short words being better to remember as more familiar, language dif. explained
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Peterson and Peterson
Duration of STM, trigrams, less than 10% recall after 18 seconds,but Trigrams are artificial therefore not really valid, also other trigram could not fully decay and affect new answers
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Baddeley Encoding in STM
Acoustically similar/dissimilar, Semantically similar/dissimilar, Worse recall of acoustically similar, therefore stored as acoustically similar words
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Duration of LTM, photos and graduates, 20% of recall and 60% recognition group after 50 years, more valid as meaningful stimuli, but not known if decay of info after 50 due to Duration og LTM or natural decay of memory with age
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Baddeley Encoding LTM
Semantically similar words difficult to recall after 20 minutes therefore encoded semantically
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Distinguish between STM/LTM case study evidence, primacy and recency effect can be explained, lab based experiment replicable-reliable, case studies give in-depth knowledge
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Too simplistic (again Clive), needed access to LTM to process STM therefroe not linear, can transfer with other methods rather than rehearsal, lab based experiment lack realism and demand of characteristics, case studies can't be generalised
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Card 2


Sensory Store


Limited duration, must attend to info or it's lost

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