Multi-store Model of Memory + key studies


1. The sensory register is modality specific - what does this mean?

  • information is held in the same sense it is registered
  • information is stored forever
  • information is remembered vividly
  • information is immediately lost if not used straight away
1 of 20

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2. There is some evidence that information in the LTM is stored in an ______ and ________ way

  • organised, meaningful
  • open, messy
  • organised, hierarchical
  • efficient, meaningful

3. A clinical study of ___ helped to prove functional seperation of the the STM and LTM because after his brain surgery to stop seizures in 1953 he was unable to transfer information to his LTM store but his STM was fine.

  • John Doe
  • H.P
  • H.M
  • Miller

4. Why does the primary/recency effect happen?

  • Because information at the beginning of the list has been transferred into the LTM due to rehearsal (primary) and information at the end of the list is still fresh in the STM (recency)
  • Because information at the beginning of the list is being refreshed by rehearsal and chunking (primary) and information at the end of the list is still fresh in the STM (recency)
  • Because there is enough capacity in the STM to remember the beginning words and the end words - we lose concentration in the middle of the list

5. What did the 1959 experiment find?

  • The longer the time periods (10+ seconds) the more amounts of trigrams were recalled (47%) this means that the duration of the STM is long
  • That the longer the time period (18 seconds) the less amounts of trigrams were recalled (10%) therefore the duration of the STM is around about 18 seconds.
  • The shorter the time periods (0-10 seconds) the less amounts of trigrams were recalled (21%) this means that the duration must only be 10 seconds.


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