
  • Created by: mackymoo
  • Created on: 22-04-17 22:54
Distance time graphs
The distance of a body from a starting point against time taken.
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Speed 1
The distance travelled each second.
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The line of a distance time graph represents speed.
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The steeper the gradient, the greater the speed.
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If an object is stationary, the line on the distant time graph is horizontal.
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Constant speed
The line on the distance time graph is a straight line that slopes upwards.
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Speed 2
m/s = distance travelled in metres/time taken in seconds
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Velocity 1
The speed in a given direction. If the object changes direction it changes velocity, even if its speed stays the same.
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Velocity 2
If the object changes, it means it accelerating.
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Velocity 3
Velocity is a vector because it has direction as well as a magnitude.
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Speed 3
Speed is a scalar because it is non directional.
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Acceleration = change in velocity/time taken for change
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Negative acceleration (Velocity and acceleration graphs)
Means the object is decelerating.
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Velocity time graphs
Shows the velocity of an object against time taken.
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Gradient of velocity time graphs
Represents acceleration.
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The steeper the gradient on a velocity time graphs
The great the acceleration.
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Horizontal line on a velocity time graphs
The acceleration is 0, therefore the object is travelling at steady speed.
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Area under velocity time graphs
Represents the distance travelled in a given time. The bigger the area the greater the distance travelled.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


The distance travelled each second.


Speed 1

Card 3


The line of a distance time graph represents speed.


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


The steeper the gradient, the greater the speed.


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


If an object is stationary, the line on the distant time graph is horizontal.


Preview of the back of card 5
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