Other questions in this quiz

2. whats inside a goat

  • the sun goats
  • another baby goat ready to pop out
  • the deviles
  • 666

3. how to solve a puzz

  • ahhhh
  • rub it moist
  • give it a high 5
  • moisture

4. what was charlies hair cut in 2013

  • a bowl bowl
  • a soup bowl
  • a noodle bowl
  • Say this to someone: If there were 60 sick sheep in a farm and 10 ran away, how

5. Say this to someone: If there were 60 sick sheep in a farm and 10 ran away, how

  • ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  • Say this to someone: If there were 60 sick sheep in a farm and 10 ran away, how
  • Say this to someone: If there were 60 sick sheep in a farm and 10 ran away, how
  • Say this to someone: If there were 60 sick sheep in a farm and 10 ran away, how


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