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6. What is a homologous structure?

  • When different species have similar structures due to them being adapted to similar environments.
  • An organ or a bone that appers in different organism that demonstrate that they share a common ancestor.
  • When organisms share similar characterisitcs due to them have a common ancestor.
  • Feautures that evolve in different organisms that have the same function.

7. Name two human characteristics with variation that caused solely by the environment

  • lobed or lobedless ear.
  • ear piercing and tatoo.
  • Eye colour and blood group.
  • Skin colour and height.

8. Name two human characteristics with variation caused solely by genetics.

  • Height and mass.
  • Eye colour and blood group.
  • Hair colour and texture.

9. Define a species

  • A group of similar organisms that can interbreed to produce infertile offprings.
  • A group of similar organisms that can interbreed to produce fertile offsprings.
  • A group of different organisms that can interbreed to produce fertile offsprings.

10. How does genetic variation arise within a species?

  • Independent assortment and crossing over of DNA during meiosis, Mutations, Alleles .
  • Mitosis, Mutations and independent assortment.

11. List the taxonomical groups in order

  • Kingdom Phylum Class Order Genus Family and Species.
  • Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus and Species.
  • Class Phylum Kingdom Genus Species Order and Family.

12. Define a Hybrid

  • When organism from different species interbreed to produce an infertile offspring.
  • When organisms from the same species interbreed to produce an infertile offspring.
  • When 2 organisms form different species interbreed to prouce a fertile offspring.

13. A harmless snake mimicks the colours of a venomous snake. What type of adaptation is this?

  • Anatomical
  • Biochemical
  • Physiological
  • Behavioural

14. Why are Hybrid's infertile?

  • The sperm cannot reach the egg.
  • The foetus fails to develop after fertiliisation.
  • They contain an odd number of chromosomes.
  • They are sexually incompatible.

15. State 3 types of evidence for evolution

  • Fossil records, Biochemistry and comparing anatomy.
  • DNA Analysis, Physiology and base sequence.
  • codons, amino acids and fossil records.