module 1: psychology of health and health behaviour

What are the 5 approaches to Nature VS Nurture?
Biological, Psychoanalysis, Cognitive, Humanism & Behaviourism
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Explain the Biological approach
Focuses on genetic, hormonal and neurochemical explanations of behaviour
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Explain psychoanalysis
Innate drives of sex and aggrssion, social upbringing during childhood
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Explain cognitive psychology
situation - feelings - thoughts = behaviour.
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maslow emphasised basic physical needs, society influences a persons selfconcept
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all behaviour is learned from the environment through conditioning
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What is the biopsychosocial model of health
States interactins between biological, psychological and social factors. Determines the causes, manifestations and outcomes of wellness and disease
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Who developed the biopsychosocial model of health
george l engel
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Sigmund Freud hypothesised the cause of some illness to be psychological.
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contains the learned morals and rules of society
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Mediated between superego and ID
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associated with unconscious thoughts, innate sexual and aggressive instincts
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5 stages of development
oral, anal, phallic, latent and genital. Mental health problems arrise from failure to move through these 5 stages.
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behavioural psychology
Objective study of human behaviour, emphasises the influence of the environment shaping human behaviour
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Classical conditioning
relationship between stimulus and response - Classical conditioning refers to a learning procedure in which a biologically potent stimulus is paired with a previously neutral stimulus
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Operant conditioning
reward and taking away - earning process through which the strength of a behavior is modified by reinforcement or punishment.
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Self efficacy
belief no one can achieve goals
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Negative schema
learned hopelessness from an experience or situation
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Positive psychology
change from passivity to control
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Humanistic psychology
Belief that humans have intrinsic human value
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intrinsic human value
value which originates within itself, the value it confers on itself by desiring its own lived experience as an end in itself
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ability to understand what a persons feeling
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unconditional positive regard
non judegmental
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genuineness, presence in relationship
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human behaviour is motivated by drive for self actualisation
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LOC: locus of control
beliefs about the reason for our likelihood of health outcomes
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LOC: Internal
personal behaviour affects health
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LOC: External
health is in the hands of the expert, health outcome is down to fate & chance
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Focuses on genetic, hormonal and neurochemical explanations of behaviour


Explain the Biological approach

Card 3


Innate drives of sex and aggrssion, social upbringing during childhood


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Card 4


situation - feelings - thoughts = behaviour.


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Card 5


maslow emphasised basic physical needs, society influences a persons selfconcept


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