Other questions in this quiz

2. Evalutation against the WMM includes...

  • Brain damaged being traumatic, vagueness of the central executive & concerns only with STM (not comprehensive)
  • Brain damage is too vague, vagueness of the phonological loop, unambiguous
  • LH may have been lying, Too much information of the STM, not enough information on the articulatory loop

3. The phonological loop deals with auditory information….

  • Temporarily stores the information and organises it according to when it was dealt with
  • devides the information into 2 different stores
  • rehearses it to prevent decay and is subdivided into 2 loops
  • Sets up mental images to match the auditory information

4. Evidence for the WMM is...

  • Hospital reports
  • Official statistics
  • Brain damaged patients (LH)
  • Road accidents

5. The Visuo-spatial Sketchpad….

  • Flashes images in your mind for you to remember them
  • Sets up mental images for planning spatial tasks, stores visual and spatial information, and organises information visually
  • Draws images in your head
  • Sets up audio information to be repeated silently for more permanent storage


Emilie Toomey


Great quiz, I got 9/10 :)

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