Models of Memory

  • Created by: AlexLacey
  • Created on: 21-12-15 15:11
Creators of the Multi-Store Memory model
Atkinson and Shriffin
1 of 25
Information in the Multi-Store Memroy model is first registered in the...
Sensory memory store
2 of 25
Information stays in the sensory memory store briefly before...
Decaying or passing into short-term memory
3 of 25
Short-term memory capacity
7+/-2 items
4 of 25
Short-term memory duration
18 seconds
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In order for information to be passed from the short-term memory to the long-term memory, information must be...
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Long-term memory capacity
7 of 25
Long-term memory duration
8 of 25
STM encoding
Mainly acoustic
9 of 25
LTM encoding
Mainly semantic
10 of 25
Evidence for sensory memory
Sperling (1960)
11 of 25
Evidence for functional dissociation
Glanzer and Cunitz (1966)
12 of 25
Evidence for STM duration
Peterson and Peterson (1959)
13 of 25
Evidence for STM encoding
Conrad (1964)
14 of 25
Evidence for LTM encoding
Baddeley (1966)
15 of 25
Important contributions made to memory research
Strenghts of Multi-Store Memory model
16 of 25
Simplified, does not take into account the relevancy of information, suggests that repetition is the most important part of transferring information from STM to LTM, suggests a one-way processing system, the evidence comes from artificial lab studies
Weaknesses of Multi-Story Memory model
17 of 25
Creators of the Working-Memory Model
Baddeley and Hitch
18 of 25
Limited capacity, responsible for a range of control processes such as setting task goals, monitoring errors, starting the rehearsal process, switching attention between tasks, inhibiting irrelevant information and retrieving information
Central executive
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Limited capacity, temporary storage system for holding verbal information (split into phonological store and articulatory loop)
Phonological loop
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Limited capacity, temporary storage system for holding visual and spatial information (split into inner scribe and visual cache)
Visuospatial sketchpad
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Evidence for phonological loop
Baddeley, Thomson and Buchanan (1975)
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Evidence for visuospatial sketchpad
Baddeley, Grant, Wight and Thomson (1973
23 of 25
Much more plausible and detailed that the Multi-Store model, can be applied to previous research data, can account for individual difference in memory processing and can be applied to real-life setting
Strenghts of Working Memory model
24 of 25
Does not offer a complete understanding of how memory works, does not account for musical memory
Weaknesses of Working Memory model
25 of 25

Other cards in this set

Card 2


Information in the Multi-Store Memroy model is first registered in the...


Sensory memory store

Card 3


Information stays in the sensory memory store briefly before...


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Short-term memory capacity


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Short-term memory duration


Preview of the front of card 5
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