Mod 6 week 2 Psyche

Dermatology outpatients have a higher prevalence of psychiatric sx than general population T/F. Higher rates of suicidal ideation than general medical patients? T/F?
1 of 18
How can stress impact on skin disorders?
Impaired healing of the skin. Chronic stress disrupts barrier function of skin -> eczema etc
2 of 18
Patients with melanoma are more likely to have higher levels of psychological distress than patients with non-life threatening conditions like NMCS/eczema. T/F
3 of 18
Neurotic excoriation features. Who? Is pruritus a major feature?
Urge to pick/gauge at skin. Distribution limited to accessible parts. Middle aged women, often associated with stressful experience, bereavement etc. No
4 of 18
Acne excoriee features - distribution cf acne vulgaris. M/F. How to distinguish from acne vulgaris?
F>M. Distribution same as acne but papules show distinct surface excoriation
5 of 18
Trichotillosis features 3
1. Preservation of frontal hair margin 2. Broken hairs of varying lengths on dermoscopy 3. bizarre shapes to pattern of hair loss.
6 of 18
What medication can help alongside psychological interventions?
7 of 18
Delusional parasitosis - what is fomication?
Crawling sensation on skin
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Is it usually associated with other delusional beliefs/mental disorders
No, usually singular delusion
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What organic diseases can cause it?
Hypothryroid, low B12, stroke, cocain/metamphetamine
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Medical Rx?
PIMOZIDE (NB cardiotoxic - needs ECG monitoring). Risperidone, olanzapine
11 of 18
What is morsicatio buccarum? Resembles?
Chronic cheek chewing. LP
12 of 18
Who gets psychogenic pruritus? Associated with?
Elderly. Depression.
13 of 18
What is Gardner-Diamond syndrome?
Psychogenic purpura - painful bruising and bleeding
14 of 18
What is dermatitis stimulata?
Feign sx to assume beneficial sick role
15 of 18
What is dermatological pathomimicry
mimic original derm disease by reproducing original sx or interfering with Rx
16 of 18
Useful tricyclic in derm?
17 of 18
Derm conditions of face, scalp and genitals are associated with higher risk of suicide? T/F
18 of 18

Other cards in this set

Card 2


How can stress impact on skin disorders?


Impaired healing of the skin. Chronic stress disrupts barrier function of skin -> eczema etc

Card 3


Patients with melanoma are more likely to have higher levels of psychological distress than patients with non-life threatening conditions like NMCS/eczema. T/F


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Neurotic excoriation features. Who? Is pruritus a major feature?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Acne excoriee features - distribution cf acne vulgaris. M/F. How to distinguish from acne vulgaris?


Preview of the front of card 5
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