

1. Why are garlic root tip cells ideal for observing mitosis?

  • They are meristematic, meaning the cells are bigger and therefore are easier to view
  • They are meristematic, meaning they are easy to stain
  • They are meristematic, meaning the area is growing rapidly and therefore contains many dividing cells
  • They are meristematic, meaning the area is growing slowly and therefore contains more cells in different stages
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2. During prometaphase,

  • the nuclear membrane breaks down
  • the cell replicates DNA

3. During metaphase,

  • the nuclear membrane breaks down
  • chromosomes align along equator individually in a metaphase plate and spindle fibres (microtubules) connect centrioles to special regions of chromosomal centromeres called kinetochores
  • the cell replicates DNA
  • chromosomes are condensed and visible, centrioles are on opposite points of the cell, and the nucleolus disappears
  • centromeres split, allowing chromatids to separate and daughter chromosomes move towards opposite poles
  • daughter chromosomes have reached the opposite poles, spindle fibres disperse, and two new nuclear membranes form

4. During prophase,

  • daughter chromosomes have reached the opposite poles, spindle fibres disperse, and two new nuclear membranes form
  • the cell replicates DNA
  • chromosomes are condensed and visible, centrioles are on opposite points of the cell, and the nucleolus disappears
  • the nuclear membrane breaks down
  • chromosomes align along equator individually in a metaphase plate and spindle fibres (microtubules) connect centrioles to special regions of chromosomal centromeres called kinetochores
  • centromeres split, allowing chromatids to separate and daughter chromosomes move towards opposite poles

5. During telophase,

  • chromosomes are condensed and visible, centrioles are on opposite points of the cell, and the nucleolus disappears
  • daughter chromosomes have reached the opposite poles, spindle fibres disperse, and two new nuclear membranes form
  • the cell replicates DNA
  • chromosomes align along equator individually in a metaphase plate and spindle fibres (microtubules) connect centrioles to special regions of chromosomal centromeres called kinetochores
  • centromeres split, allowing chromatids to separate and daughter chromosomes move towards opposite poles
  • the nuclear membrane breaks down


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