Methods used to gain co-operation of the localities

Law in Wales Act 1535
1) marcher lordships abolished and replaced with 12 English style counties. 2) English local government introduced, including sheriffs and JPs. 3) Each new Welsh county and county town was allocated 2 MPs to sit in parliament
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Law in Wales Act 1542
1) introduced English legal system, ennding blood feud. 2) Courts of Great Sessions - tried criminal cases like theft. 3) Council of Wales strengthened as it rested on the King and Parliament. Had powers to hear legal cases - similar to Star Chamber.
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Re-establishment of the Council of the North, 1537
1) reformed after PoG - given power to hear cases of treason and murder. 2) Responsible for combatting recusancy, regulating trade and food supplies. 3) Authority enhanced by President - southern bishop (Robert Holgate 1538): could remain impartial.
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Increasing borough representation in the Commons
1) 1485-1603: number of MPs increased by 166. 2) Rotten boroughs - small population constituencies (Dunwick). 3) Non-townsmen: only 14% MPs were townsmen in 1603, compared to 50% in 1530: suited interests of nobles. 4) Puritans (PW) act independently
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Increasing literacy of the Yeoman Class
1) university numbers doubled from 1530-1603. 2) Grammar schools open to all students. 3) 1550-1600: literacy rate for men rose by 8% and 6% for women. 4) led to yeomen included in government - suppress rebellions, not join them (Oxford, 1596)
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The Changing Role of JPs
1) licensed alehouses, maintained roads and regulated wages. 2) 1603: JPs enforced 309 statutes. 3) 1495 - power to act on information on suspects without jury. 4) Statute of Artificers: JPs collect relief donations 5) 1585: recruited men to fight
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1513 Subsidy
1) reduced resentment as rich paid a fair share of tax. 2) 1513-23: £322k raised. 3) 15ths and 10ths raised £120,000; 1512-17. 4) JPs assessed taxpayers and were overseen by national commissioners
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1563 Statute of Artificers
1) gave JPs more local influence to enforce it. 2) central govt responded to local attempts to regulate (1551 businesses in London had tried to stop wages rising) 3) All unmarried under 30s had to work. 4) wages to be assessed by JPs annually.
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1598 Act for the Relief of the Poor
1) JPs given more power to raise compulsory relief contributions. 2) overseers meant more govt officials operating. 3) first national relief system to be created. 4) provided pensions for wounded soldiers. 5) built hospitals for the sick
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Royal use of Patronage
1) Henry VII: Thomas Howard=Earl of Surrey; Jasper Tudor=Duke of Bedford. 2) Henry VIII: Generous: Sir William Compton had salary raised from £10 to £1700. 3) Elizabeth: Sir William Cecil, Robert Dudley - began to break down by 1590 as advisors died
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Use of Progresses
1) Henry VII: Midlands/North - biggest threat. Seeing King=obedience. 2) Henry VIII: North 1541 - quelled political unrest after PoG. 3) Elizabeth never went North; if she had, 1569 may have been quelled.
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Card 2


1) introduced English legal system, ennding blood feud. 2) Courts of Great Sessions - tried criminal cases like theft. 3) Council of Wales strengthened as it rested on the King and Parliament. Had powers to hear legal cases - similar to Star Chamber.


Law in Wales Act 1542

Card 3


1) reformed after PoG - given power to hear cases of treason and murder. 2) Responsible for combatting recusancy, regulating trade and food supplies. 3) Authority enhanced by President - southern bishop (Robert Holgate 1538): could remain impartial.


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Card 4


1) 1485-1603: number of MPs increased by 166. 2) Rotten boroughs - small population constituencies (Dunwick). 3) Non-townsmen: only 14% MPs were townsmen in 1603, compared to 50% in 1530: suited interests of nobles. 4) Puritans (PW) act independently


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Card 5


1) university numbers doubled from 1530-1603. 2) Grammar schools open to all students. 3) 1550-1600: literacy rate for men rose by 8% and 6% for women. 4) led to yeomen included in government - suppress rebellions, not join them (Oxford, 1596)


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