Other questions in this quiz

2. what causes physical weathering?

  • changes in temperature and water
  • air polution and tectonic activity
  • acid rain and wind

3. what are the 2 types of physical weathering ?

  • burrowing and root action
  • freeze thaw and exfoliation
  • hydrolisis and solution

4. what is erosion?

  • the process in which soil and rock particles are worn worn and transported by wind, ice, water and gravity
  • o processo no qual particulas de solo e pedra sao removidas e transportadas por vento, agua, gelo e gravidade
  • is the breakdown of rocks at the earth's surface by the action of rainwater, temperature and biological activity

5. what is weathering?

  • the breakdown of rocks by means of transport
  • is the breakdown of rocks at the earth's surface by the action of rainwater, temperature and biological activity
  • the breakdown of rocks in situ


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