Other questions in this quiz

2. The suggestion that implicit and procedural memory are synonymous has been questioned on the basis of which of the following reasons:

  • implicit memories are formed in deep processing, procedural memories formed in shallow processing
  • implicit memories are generally reserved for events in childhood, procedural memories are for skills learnt in adulthood
  • procedural memory implied conscious effort, implicit memory assumes no conscious effort
  • procedural memories are for skills, implicit memories are for events

3. A series of studies by Perrett et al. has demonstrated that percieved facial attractiveness is related to having a(n)

  • thinner jaw
  • distinctive face
  • average face
  • larger distance between nose and mouth

4. According to the "resource sharing model" of Daneman and Carpenter, all except which of the following statements are true?

  • Reading ability has no effect on the amount of "cognitive space" available for performing the memory component of the reading span task
  • The reading span task measures how flexibly we can allocate mental resources to the processing and storage of material
  • Poor readers show poorer working memory performance on the reading span task than good readers
  • If a person is a good reader, reading sentences for their truthfulness uses up very few cognitive resources

5. You are experiencing a great deal of difficulty learning your new telephone number. The number you keep remembering is your old one. The recall for your new number is impaired by

  • proactive interference
  • retroactive interference
  • decay
  • motivated forgetting


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