Meeting Individuals Needs

What is Mixed Economy of Care?
Private, Public, Informal and Voluntary sectors combined to deliver care
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What are the benefits of Mixed Economy of Care?
It gives you greater choice, reduces strain on the state, promotes independence and care is designed around what is needed rather than what is available
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What are the key features of the Public Sector?
Care is delivered by the state, Paid for by taxes, Everyone is entitled, Mainly free (Dental care/eye test exempt)
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What are the benefits of the Public Sector?
Promotes high quality of services, Can respond quickly to issues (epidemics), Promotes equal access (anti-discriminatory), You have the right to care
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What are the issues with the Public Sector?
Nanny State exists, Demand is high, Expectations are high, Most decisions are made by the State
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Key Features of Voluntary Sector?
Relies on donations, No profit organisations, Not funded through taxes
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What role does the Voluntary Sector play in the delivery of care?
Act as advocates for the individual, Fills the gaps in care left by the State, Well supported by the public
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What issues does the Voluntary Sector face?
Only effective if volunteers are available, Have a lack of resources, Hard to compete with private organisations, Reliant on government grants
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Key features of the Private Sector?
Run by private businesses to make a profit, Charge service users/NHS for treatment
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What role does the Private Sector play?
Quicker responce time, shorter waiting times, have better resources, more accessible (affluence has increased)
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Issues of the Private Sector?
Only the minority can afford it, more interested in the money than the patient, creates inequality (those who can afford/not).
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Features of Informal Sector?
Care provided by family/friends, Unpaid
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Benefits of Informal Sector?
Fills the gaps in care, Knows the individual, Available 24/7
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Issues with Informal Sector?
Not professionals, Huge burden on carer (Service users health)
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What is the Central Government?
Combination of MP's who run the country making decisions
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What are the Central Governments roles?
Provide Services, Plan Services, Fun Services, Make Policies, Legislate and Regulate
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Why is it important for the Central Gov to regularly reform services?
Technology may need updating, Maintain high level of service/standard, Respond to demographic changes, Populations health (morbidity rates) may change
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Why is it important for Central Gov to review legislation?
Strengthen existing laws, Identify problems, Ensure individuals needs are met and they are being protected
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What is the Central Gov's role in promoting high quality H&S Care services?
Enforces standards, sets targets, patients rights are met, act quick when things go wrong
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What is the Local Government?
Responsible for a small demographic area and adhering policies and legislations established by Central Gov
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Benefits of Local Gov in ensuring high quality care is delivered?
Improvement in self concept, feel happy/valued, normalisation, improved health and well being
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What is Legislation?
Laws passed on by the Government e.g confidentiality
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Function of Legislation? (PIECES)
Protect vulnerable groups, Improved quality of care, Efficiency is improved, Choice is increased, Empowerment, Speed of care is increased
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Examples of H&S Care Legilsations?
Equality act, Data protection, The children's act.
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Benefits of Legislation on H&S Care users?
Offers a method of redress, Promotes better quality of care, Service user feels valued, Promotes rights
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What are the issues with Legislation?
Some organisations still discriminate, Care users aren't aware of their rights
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What are the benefits of Mixed Economy of Care?


It gives you greater choice, reduces strain on the state, promotes independence and care is designed around what is needed rather than what is available

Card 3


What are the key features of the Public Sector?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What are the benefits of the Public Sector?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What are the issues with the Public Sector?


Preview of the front of card 5
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