Medieval Illness Quiz

Who first thought of the Four Humours?
1 of 20
What religious reason was the cause for disease?
God punishing people for their sins.
2 of 20
How was star signs relevant for Medieval cures?
Each star sign had an effect over different parts of the body, so physicians would time there treatment with them
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Why were university trained physicians influence by the church?
The church were in charge of the universities that those physicians trained at.
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Why were Muslim men of medicine, like Avicenna, so important in the history of medicine?
They recorded important knowledge that would have been lost in the Dark ages
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What link did Medieval people make with disease and the air?
Some believed that disease was spread through 'bad air' or bad smells, like in cities and towns.
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What is the Doctrine of Signatures?
The idea that God created both the diseases, and the cures in the form of herbs/plants which needed to be found.
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Generally, what would Apothecaries sell?
Medicines, herbs and spices. They sold 'simples' which contained one plant/herb and 'compounds' which contained multiple.
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What might some blame sudden diseases/plagues on?
The supernatural, e.g. witchcraft and demons
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Why might some of Galen's work be inaccurate?
Because he had to dissect pigs instead of humans, leading to false conclusions about the human body
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Why was blood-letting often used as a cure?
It was used to balance out the four humours
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What sort of physical operations would barbour surgeons have done?
Setting bones, pulling teeth ... e.t.c.
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Why did the church promote Galen's work so much?
He's work fitted with the church's idea of intelligent design
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Why was the Four Humours relevant in what they believed caused illness?
They believed that if the Four Humours were unbalanced, than a sickness would be caused depending what part was over/under balanced
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According to the Doctrine of Signatures, how might you decide which herb/plant to use as a cure?
Certain properties that the plant has, such as saxifrage which breaks rocks as it grows, meaning it must be good for treating kidney stones
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What differences are there between Sutra Augustinian Hospital and St. Giles Hospital?
Augustinian was a place of cutting edged, advanced medical treatment with skilled surgeons. St. Giles is more of a place of prayer and worship but did still care for the sick
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What controversial methods did Galen use to show the brain controlled the body and the veins carried blood?
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Why might some extreme Christians have whipped themselves to fight disease?
They believed that it would earn themselves God's forgiveness?
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What did Muslim doctors like doctor Usama believe some illnesses were caused by?
Unhealthy diet as well as an unbalanced Four Humours
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Why might some choose to be treated by "Wise Women"?
There had wisdom and skills passed down to them. They could act as midwives. Compared to other people, they were reasonably priced.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What religious reason was the cause for disease?


God punishing people for their sins.

Card 3


How was star signs relevant for Medieval cures?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Why were university trained physicians influence by the church?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Why were Muslim men of medicine, like Avicenna, so important in the history of medicine?


Preview of the front of card 5
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